MLCC_D3 2021.11.26

1Paul Foster57JS3-15175.17 km01:47:0398.2 km/h01000 1.19 m/s 50.96 149 km/h 0.065 m/s 3.58915 188 m 3.74%14:40:58
2Frank SchwerdtfegerO9Ventus3-15183.71 km01:52:3198 km/h0997 1.47 m/s 45.95 146 km/h-0.03 m/s-1.50412 285 m 5.9%14:07:20
3Mihaly KnauszKMIVentus3-15175.95 km01:48:0997.6 km/h0992 1.21 m/s 43.81 164 km/h 0.01 m/s 0.38414 240 m 5.16%14:17:06
4Robin MartinusRAMDG808C-15173.75 km01:48:1296.3 km/h0973 1.36 m/s 45.66 142 km/h 0.035 m/s 1.69115 211 m 3.04%14:09:20
5Clinton GloverCJGVentus3-15185.2 km01:56:2995.4 km/h0959 1.16 m/s 46.71 156 km/h 0.031 m/s 1.42618 188 m 4.61%13:49:58
6Robert LangnerRT2Ventus3-15170.48 km01:48:0494.7 km/h0949 1.16 m/s 44.78 156 km/h 0.044 m/s 1.87414 226 m 4.46%13:49:36
7Sean ChurchillS19JS3-15176.49 km01:52:2694.2 km/h0942 1.11 m/s 45.86 153 km/h-0.004 m/s-0.20411 287 m 4.05%14:14:30
8Jon Holland123Ventus3-15175.28 km01:53:0393 km/h0925 1.08 m/s 45.8 158 km/h 0.024 m/s 1.03916 205 m 3.82%13:50:31
9Jaroslaw Kajoch1JKJS3-15164.82 km01:50:0789.8 km/h0878 1.05 m/s 50.48 146 km/h 0.041 m/s 2.36214 198 m 5.3%13:52:17
10Helmut KuenneF9Ventus3-15154.9 km01:43:1288.5 km/h0859 1.27 m/s 49.67 142 km/h 0.025 m/s 1.41918 156 m 8.66%14:24:59
11Zoltan KepesOZVentus3-15159.26 km01:47:5988.5 km/h0859 0.92 m/s 53.16 159 km/h 0.168 m/s 8.54412 221 m 5.18%14:05:51
12Jesper RasmussenDJS3-15145.01 km01:51:2378.1 km/h0708 0.98 m/s 40.94 147 km/h-0.078 m/s-3.27715 203 m 6.77%13:49:14
13Fedir ZhurbaFZDiana2172.01 km02:16:0975.8 km/h0674 1.5 m/s 37.51 120 km/h-0.217 m/s-11.2417 261 m 11.94%13:47:56
14Wind Whisperer1WWVentus3-15137.65 km01:49:5075.2 km/h0666 0.86 m/s 48 148 km/h 0.015 m/s 0.79713 193 m 6.6%13:53:27
15Bill RickerNKOJS3-15128.92 km01:53:0468.4 km/h0567 0.82 m/s 43.93 128 km/h-0.102 m/s-5.9111 237 m 9.03%13:51:12
16Wlodzimierz KowalskiDB9DG808C-15146.86 km 0415 1.28 m/s 42.02 140 km/h-0.051 m/s-2.34912 226 m 7.06%13:46:50
17janv StratumTPJS3-15121.49 km 0344 0.81 m/s 42.85 148 km/h-0.077 m/s-3.54116 135 m 8.03%13:51:20
18Almantas Zujus9AVentus3-1589.85 km 0254 0.68 m/s 42.26 135 km/h-0.131 m/s-6.96416 96 m 19.36%14:41:48
19Piotr RaczynskiPITJS3-1577.76 km 0220 0.89 m/s 47.57 146 km/h-0.01 m/s-0.545 130 m 3.89%14:41:16
20olive wuillaumeZOOVentus3-1535.15 km 099-0.12 m/s 53.86 117 km/h 0.06 m/s 4.7043-13 m 1.86%13:50:51
21Stephen HillSJHJS3-155.95 km 017-0.28 m/s 47.66 129 km/h-0.034 m/s-2.1582-31 m 2.12%14:32:15
mCR: mean climb rate of the whole flight | mGN: mean gliding number (gliding number without influence of wind)
mIAS: mean indicated airspeed (the speed you see on your speedometer, the real speed is higher depending on the altitude) | nLift: number of lifts
DeltaGN: additional gliding number (difference between mGN and GN of speed polar) | Vmet: average of rising and sinking air
AltLift: average climbed in a lift | Detour: Detour in percent, only gliding passages are regarded. With backwind the value can be lower 100%

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